Everybody needs WinDirLister
WinDirLister helps users to quickly find files residing on various places of their discs or sticks (hard disks, DVD, USB sticks, SD RAM and others) without using Windows'
built-in search function.
Other possible usages
- Simple Archiving
You can search in your text files instead of searching on your hard disks. - Protection of unwanted data changes
Because you can save the state of your folders you can simply recognise changes in them. - Rapid search also in protected areas
When using Windows Vista WinDirLister searches quickly also in protected areas. The search result shows the real structure of the data medium.
What does WinDirLister do?
The 32bit application is designed for listing the folders on a disk (floppy disk, hard disk, CD ROM, DVD, ZIP drive, removable disk, USB stick) and to save the list in a text file. You can list all folders or only those containing specific files. For specifying file names wild cards like * and ? are permitted.
Is this impossible using Windows?
Windows’ built-in search function enables a quick search, but it saves the results in a file format unreadable by word processors. Windows Explorer lists files and folders only in a window rolex replica, not in a file. This gap is filled by WinDirLister.
Which system requirements does WinDirLister need?
- PC with i486 CPU or better
- Operating systems Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista (Vista requires WinHlp32.exe for Vista as an an additional download).
- hard disk with about 1 MB free space (after installation)
What's new in version 2?
- search single folders (local or in network)
- search on all accessible data media
- display structure like in Windows Explorer
- display structure for single folders
- toggle on/off properties of files and folders
- save files as csv (for table calculations)
- automatically created proposal for file name to save
- button for eject/close of removable media (CD ROM, DVD etc.)